Spravato Treatments

Nasal spray Spravato™ contains esketamine, a recent addition (2019) to the range of treatments available for treatment resistant depression and major depressive disorders. Esketamine is an ingredient of ketamine that has FDA approval. If you have depression that is not improving using other approaches, contact us today to discuss your suitability for treatment with Spravato.

What is Spravato?

Spravato is an innovative new therapy for patients who have treatment-resistant depression. When used in conjunction with an oral antidepressant medication, Spravato can reduce the symptoms of major depressive disorder even when other treatment approaches are not working.

Spravato is a nasal spray. 865 Wellness+Ketamine is a registered Spravato treatment center, and practitioners administering the treatment have undergone training in the safe delivery of Spravato. You will need to take your medication as prescribed in the clinic, and your provider will keep you under observation for two hours, monitoring vital signs and the chance of any adverse reactions.

Why would I need to take Spravato?

You might prefer not to have an IV treatment, or find it difficult to afford standard ketamine therapies, which insurance generally does not cover. In these cases, Spravato is a good alternative, as it is a simple spray delivered into your nose with strong clinically proven effectiveness for major depression.

How many Spravato treatments would I need?

This can vary between patients, but a typical course of Spravato treatment therapy would involve twice weekly for four weeks, then once weekly for four weeks. After the initial loading series over 8 weeks, treatments will vary among patients, weekly, biweekly or monthly. 

Your Spravato treatment sessions take place under supervision. You will need to have someone drive you home afterward, as you might experience some side effects such as drowsiness or impaired responses.
If Spravato or other ketamine therapies sound like they could help you, call us today for more information, or request one on-line by completing the New Patient Form.

Spravato® Patient Video: Allison's Story

Call our office at (865) 805-3111 to discuss possible treatment plans.



"If Ketamine therapy is something you are considering, I highly recommend giving them a call. Safe and comfortable environment for Ketamine therapy!"
"What a professional but laidback environment. Came in feeling under the weather and left feeling so much better. Jennifer was patient and very knowledgeable about the treatment I needed. I will be back again!"
"I feel better emotionally and physically than I have in years. My chronic pain and depression is gone. I feel like Ketamine has given me a new lease on life."
"The office was nice and comfortable, recliners were comfortable and relaxing! Jennifer was professional and friendly. I will be back!"
“Ketamine has restored my hope for a better future."
“I’m just AMAZED, I FINALLY feel free!"
“Suicidal thoughts are no longer my everyday self conversation."


Knoxville Ketamine