Ketamine is classified as a dissociative anesthetic. It is one of the most widely used drugs in modern medicine, and it is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. It was developed in 1963, FDA approved in 1970, and adopted by many hospitals and medical settings because of its rapid onset, proven safety, and short duration of action. Ketamine is most commonly used as an anesthetic medication in emergency and surgical settings, including pediatric surgery, due to its excellent safety profile, particularly around breathing / airway management. It has also been utilized successfully in managing acute and chronic pain conditions due to its intense analgesic properties. In recent decades, dues to its rapid onset, Ketamine has been found to have profound antidepressant effects which has lead to its use as an off-label medication for treatment- resistant depression, mood disorders and suicidal ideation.

Chronic stress weakens neural connections in the brain over time. Depression actually decreases the number of synapses in the brain. Ketamine works directly to restore these connections. It binds to the NMDA receptor and releases a glutamate surge. This in turn releases growth factors, like BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which help make new synaptic connections and pave healthier thought patterns in the brain.

Much excitement and research has come among researchers and clinicians over the last two decades, in that ketamine has been increasingly clinically applied (at lower, subanesthetic doses than used in surgery), as an off-label treatment for many mood disorders and treatment-resistant mental health conditions such as, depression, bipolar, PTSD, suicidal ideation, OCD and postpartum depression. Also, for chronic neuropathic pain/ inflammation conditions such as, migraines, fibromyalgia, CRPS and other pain conditions.

Research has also shown limited but clinically effective results for patients with pain associated with lymes disease, cancer pains, phantom limb pain, eating disorders, drug addiction rehabilitation, Parkinson’s Disease / Alzheimer’s for memory loss, Dementia, TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and Autism social depression.

Patients with moderate to severe hepatic dysfunction (cirrhosis), severe asthma or COPD, high-risk coronary artery disease / uncontrolled hypertension and poorly controlled psychosis, schizophrenia or seizure disorders are at increased risk for adverse events following ketamine infusion.

Yes. Ketamine has been used for over 50 years in medicine. Limited literature is available on the ketamine concentrations involving deaths due to overdose, since these incidents are not common. Heart rate blood pressure and oxygen monitors are applied at the beginning of the infusion and patients are monitored throughout the infusion. 

Ketamine, once hailed as a party drug, developed a bad reputation mostly known as “special K”, used at much higher doses, became known for being physiologically and physically addictive. However, low dose ketamine is non-habit forming, with no long term side effects or withdrawal symptoms.

Most common short-term side effects are bruising at the IV site, headache, dizziness, fatigue, blurry / double vision, nausea / vomiting, mostly peaking within an hour of infusion and gone within 2-4 hours. Less common side effects are hallucinations, inflammation of the urinary tract, cystitis, heart arrhythmias, seizures or an unpleasant experience. More complicated risk come with higher anesthetic doses or recreational use.

For mood disorders, typically 1.5-2 hours in the clinic which includes, check-in, a current mood assessment on arrival, placement of heart rate blood pressure and oxygen monitors and IV catheter, a 40 minute infusion followed by a 15-30 minute recovery. For pain infusions lasting 4 hours, expect approximately no less than 6 hours in the office.

You will be awake and alert during the infusion therapy, while feeling relaxed and peaceful. Patients experience a disconnect “floating” like experience. This dissociation is part of the rebuilding of neuronal connection in the brain.

Do not eat or drink 6 hours prior to infusion appointment, dress comfortably, and driving / any important decisions should NOT be made during the first 12-24 hours post infusion.

A series of 6-8 infusions over several weeks is necessary for the treatment to be successful, as the rebuilding of connections / synapses in the brain creating newer thought patterns develops more and more lasting longer with each infusion. After the initial series is completed, a booster infusion may be needed based on each individuals unique response.

Evidence-based Ketamine therapy has shown clinically to bring relief to more than 80% of people who suffer from treatment resistant depression, mood disorders and chronic pain.

No, however, we will work along side with your current medical provider to gain the most beneficial outcome for you.

We recommend you should not take benzodiazepines, adderall, ritalin, and phentermine the day of your infusion. Opioid pain medications and muscles relaxers should not be taken 6 hours prior to your infusion therapy or within 3 hours after your infusion.

Although Ketamine has proven to treat treatment-resistant mood and pain disorders, it is being used as an off-label medication. IV Ketamine is NOT covered by any insurance plan. We accept cash and credit. We require payment at time of service.

Call our office at (865) 805-3111 or contact us to receive a consultation.

Call our office at (865) 805-3111 to discuss questions and treatments.



"If Ketamine therapy is something you are considering, I highly recommend giving them a call. Safe and comfortable environment for Ketamine therapy!"
"What a professional but laidback environment. Came in feeling under the weather and left feeling so much better. Jennifer was patient and very knowledgeable about the treatment I needed. I will be back again!"
"I feel better emotionally and physically than I have in years. My chronic pain and depression is gone. I feel like Ketamine has given me a new lease on life."
"The office was nice and comfortable, recliners were comfortable and relaxing! Jennifer was professional and friendly. I will be back!"
“Ketamine has restored my hope for a better future."
“I’m just AMAZED, I FINALLY feel free!"
“Suicidal thoughts are no longer my everyday self conversation."


Knoxville Ketamine